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One of my specialties over the years has been eLearning Development. I’ve worked closely with several content development and training providers during my career, producing thousands of screens of interactive media, mostly based around safety training, employee orientation, and human relations.

eLearning projects are some of the most enjoyable work I produce because they encompass a wide variety of media, visual design, user experience, interactivity, and technological challenges.

As an employee or member of a team, I’ve built eLearning for some of the world’s largest corporations — many who have have been repeat customers for years because of my project management skills, attention to detail, technical experience, and engaging design.

Successful eLearning Development takes a wide variety of knowledge and years of experience. There are so many possibilities, what-ifs, and detours. Make sure you ask the right questions of your potential developer.  You can start by contacting me to discuss your next eLearning project.

Services I Provide

  • Graphic design
  • Authoring
  • Video editing
  • Media optimization
  • Audio processing
  • Motion Graphics
  • PowerPoint Conversion

For larger projects needing instructional design, script writing, and complete project management Contact my team at Invendev.

The following screens are examples of the types of design I produce for menus, info graphics, inter-activities, and assessments.  I’ve designed every background, button, and line of text as well as handling the media processing and authoring for each screen,[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”1000244,1000243,1000245,1000246,1000339,1000238,1000232,1000248,1000249,1000250,1000247,1000265,1000266,1000235,1000234,1000231,1000236,1000237,1000252,1000253,1000254,1000255,1000256,1000257,1000258,1000259,1000260,1000261,1000262,1000263,1000267,1000268,1000269,1000290″ img_size=”200×200″ onclick=”img_link_large”][/vc_column][/vc_row]